Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Running For Class Senator

So, I get in these random moods where I decide that I've become too comfortable and have to do something way out of my comfort zone.

Last time this happened I decided to go to Virginia for school...

J/K Just pulling your leg.

The last time it happened I decided to audition for SVU's American Idol. This time it's running for class Senator. I've NEVER done anything like this before and have no idea why I make myself come out of my bubble. I think I really like my bubble.

Anyway, I put up a bunch of posters around the school with random pictures on them ( there is a fro pic, a flat hair pic, and a pic where it looks like I'm ready for battle). Thanks to a Friend, who has a clever way with words, I also have lollie pops to give out that say "I'm sucking up to you! Vote" Lola "as Sophomore Senator!" I'm really no good at this campaigning thing and I half hope I lose because the people running against me would do soo much better. The other half of me is hoping I win because it would be fun to help plan activities and being apart of something like this. I'm welcoming any ideas campaigning. I've run out.


Jenny said...

Give out duct tape!!! >.< You'll win by a land-slide. ^.^

Wow, running for office? Cool. I hope you're happy with whatever the result is. I think you'd do a good job! ^.^ And yeah, going out of your bubble is... always interesting. But is usually a growing experience as well. I wish you luck!

Lola said...

Thats a good idea! "A vote for Lola is a vote for duct tape!" I think I like it! lol!

Anonymous said...

You did a really good job with that, you know. I'm proud of you! XD

Lola said...

aw, shucks!